Monday, June 1, 2009

Exercise as Brain Food

John Ratey, co-author of the very popular books on ADHD, Driven to Distraction, and Delivered From Distraction, has come out with a fascinating new work, Spark. This book looks at the role of regular exercise on the brain. Referring to it as Miraclegrow for the brain, exercise seems to be at least as beneficial to the brain as it is to the cardiovascular system. If you can exercise 4 times per week, for 40 minutes each, at 65% of maximum heart rate (your maximum heart rate is 220 - your age), you can do wonders for your brain. For most, this involves a brisk walk to attain the heart rate target.

Some preliminary studies suggest that this physical exercise regimen can be as beneficial as antidepressant medication for people who are depressed, and may also help reduce ADHD symptoms in people with that diagnosis. Of course, you should consult with your physician first before embarking on an exercise program such as this, to make sure that there are no medical contra-indications for you to do this. And, if you have been advised to take medication for depression and / or ADHD, don't stop the meds because you're going to be exercising. Always work in conjunction with your prescribing physician. But, at least now there is another potent avenue to pursue that's got many positive benefits and doesn't involve more medication.