Sunday, October 11, 2020

Why do you feel so unhappy when you've worked so hard?

You’ve worked hard your whole life. By the world’s standards, you’re successful. You’re a leader. You’re reaching your goals.  Yet for all of the effort and successes, you feel like you should be happier. But you’re not. You lack deep relationships. Your partner is chronically unhappy with you. You should be more connected to your children and other family members. What happened? You are not alone. Many people feel a sense of disillusionment, discouragement and loss of hope despite all the efforts they have put in to have a good and meaningful life.  

But there is hope. It's actually not to pursue happiness. Happiness is too dependent on our circumstances. But, you can mostly certainly improve you well-being. Well-being is very much like contentment. It's the notion that you are okay and you will be okay. There's a science to improving your well being.  You can  learn how to discover aspects of life that bring joy, contentment, and peace. According to psychologist Martin Seligman, well being is comprised of doing exercises designed to increase the experience of positive emotions, creating a sense of engagement in the world, tending to your relationships more, creating meaning, and routinely doing actions consistent with your values. And there's ways to measure your progress along the way.

Using a combination of practical advice, wit, irreverent humor, and as I have been told, an uncommon wisdom, I can help you have a new perspective on your chronic problems. Therapy sessions include practical tips and advice. And, usually, there’s therapeutic ‘homework’ assignments. And, some time is spent as well diving a little deeper into what’s behind things. It takes hard work, courage and a willingness to become transparent. But the payoffs can be life-changing. Getting started is easy. Call (630) 325-5300 and ask to do an intake, or email me at to get underway. Virtual sessions are being used during the pandemic. My office is in Hinsdale, IL.