Monday, November 17, 2008

Managing Stress in a Bad Financial Market

You don't need to have a Ph.D. to know that these are stressful financial times. Many investments have lost a third of their value or more. And, the markets seemed to tumble so fast. Many of us who are not certified financial planners don't know if we should ride out the storm and keep our investments or sell and run for cover. So, it's really important to have a financial planner whom you trust who can do some 'hand holding' through these difficult times.

From a psychological standpoint, try to keep the following in mind:

1. There's virtually no relationship between money and happiness.
2. The current downturn in the market has occurred many times in the past. Consider this graph of the stock market since the early 1960s.

3. This source of stress, like any other, needs to be kept in perspective. Try not to organize your life around the daily ups and downs of the market. Instead, put your emotional 'stock' into things which pay consistent 'dividends' such as: creating time for meaningful connection with others, get routine exercise, eat a reasonable diet, try to get enough sleep, play, laugh, take some time to not just be 'on' at every moment.

When you try to do these things and you just can't shake the negative effects of the stress, get the name of a local mental health professional and go for a consultation. In the Chicago area, consider us at